“lose face”是英语里的地道表达,It means to be embarrassed or humiliated,中文意思就是:“尴尬、丢面子、丢脸”。 那么,这个英语 …
中文意思就是:“尴尬、丢面子、丢脸”。 那么,这个英语表达“lose face”怎么和中文的说法“丢脸”一模一样呢? 原来是这样的,lose face 最早出 …
LOSE FACE的意思、解釋及翻譯:to become less respected by others: 。了解更多。
LOSE FACE 释义: to be made to look foolish or to do something which damages your reputation | 意思、发音、翻译及示例
Why is 'face' so important in Chinese culture. What does it mean to lose face. Where losing face comes from. You’ll also understand the …
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